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More famous people than you can shake a stick at! This grounping of stars may seem pretty unrelated to each other, but they all DO have one thing in common: the first name of Kevin! See what kind of things these individuals have done to achieve such a wide scope of recognition in their profession.

Click on the star's image to view content about him.(NOT ALL LINKS ARE FUNCTIONAL)

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Any other famous Kevins that deserve recognition? Tell me who, and I'll see what I can dig up about them.

This site is dedicated to my beloved boyfriend, who is, in my opinion, the most Kolossal of all Kevins. ^_^

This site has been visited times since 11/16/97!

A coolie new site, courtesy of

© 1997, Serra Alia Chase DISCLAIMER: Basic information about the individuals featured herein was found on several internet sources. Any basic information that is false is therefore NOT the responsibility of the webmistress. Absolutely NO profit is being gained from this site or these individuals, so don't sue! Images and backgrounds unique to this site were created/edited by Serra Chase (Chaser Productions), and should NOT be used in any other locale without explicit consent of, and proper credit to, Serra Alia Chase.